“Every storyteller needs to understand the critical role that mobile and social media play in our ability to communicate with today’s audiences. This book offers specific guidance on how to leverage the power of these unique platforms with a roadmap for developing the necessary skill sets. From thoughtful discussion of social media’s misinformation crisis to a rich exploration of the distinct writing styles needed to create high-quality mobile content, Adornato’s text offers educators and practitioners a foundation for developing social media and mobile reporting skills.”
–Deb Wenger, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, School of Journalism and New Media, The University of Mississippi
“With the second edition of Mobile and Social Media Journalism, Professor Adornato has packed in even more punch than in the first edition – with timely new chapters on misinformation and writing across digital platforms. Like the first edition, the volume is readable, practical, and essential for anyone interested in the craft of journalism today. I cannot wait to assign it to my students.”
–Gina M. Masullo, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Journalism, The University of Texas at Austin
“The two new chapters — on writing mobile-friendly and recognizing and combating fake news and disinformation — follow the format that makes this book so valuable: relevant and thoroughly researched information, clearly explained and accompanied by practical exercises and advice from journalists on the job. For those who consider themselves tech-challenged, fear not: Adornato is on top of the latest online tools and includes many step-by-step instructions and examples. Throughout the book, he also wisely emphasizes journalism standards while embracing new storytelling platforms. This book should be considered a ‘must-read’ for today’s newsrooms as well as classrooms.”
–Suzanne Lysak, Associate Professor of Broadcast Journalism, Chapman University
“I have been eagerly awaiting the second edition of Mobile and Social Media Journalism for my social media journalism courses. My students consistently give feedback that they enjoy the blend of practical information with a solid theoretical foundation that Anthony Adornato provides. With this newly revised and updated volume, Adornato covers the basics of the mobile reporting skillset budding journalists need to successfully launch their careers. He also provides an in-depth look at how misinformation on social is impacting the industry and society. Importantly, he offers insight into the psychology of fake news and practical tips for how journalists can identify it.”
–Jill Hopke, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Journalism, DePaul University
“This book is enormously useful for anyone looking to gain the essential social media know-how that news organizations today demand. Adornato gives us more than just a practical guide by also offering the theoretical underpinnings that help us make sense of what the evolving media landscape means for the practice of journalism. The strategies outlined here go beyond when or what to post on which platform, and focus on approaches and fundamentals that can be applicable regardless of what new social platform might emerge tomorrow. The second edition is a must-have for courses wanting to combine journalistic principles with the latest emerging technologies.”
–Summer Harlow, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Journalism, University of Houston
“At a time when impactful journalism is needed more than ever, the updated edition of Mobile and Social Media Journalism presents much-needed guidance aimed at combating misinformation, and simultaneously suggests new ways to build audience trust through innovation, creativity, and technology. It offers new approaches to time-tested strategies that provide journalists with the tools needed to craft engaging content for today’s consumers. In short, Adornato’s book is a blueprint for journalists both new and seasoned. It lays out the methods needed to meet the ever-changing demands of our industry and our audience.”
–Dante Mozie, Instructor of Journalism, South Carolina State University
“It is a smart, approachable guide that will help you pick up your phone and start telling powerful stories. Anthony’s managed to weave MOJO ideas together with practical tips that will help you go from the basics to professional practice. I use it to help students shape their stories, and I’ve also shared it with colleagues and working journalists looking to ramp up their social storytelling skills. This book has helped me to better understand what is possible, and it was fun to read. I really appreciate the way Anthony is able to both explain and inspire. The book is not just a ‘how-to guide’ — it is a ‘what-is-possible guide.’ And the best thing is that Anthony trusts in the creativity of his readers to figure out what to do next.”
–Kathryn Gretsinger, Associate Professor of Teaching, Journalism, The University of British Columbia
“A solid introduction to the real-world challenges and opportunities of social media, Mobile and Social Media Journalism mixes academic research with practical instruction from in-the-field journalists and offers a lens into the fast-paced newsrooms of 21st century media. As mobile devices and social media continue to transform the ways in which audiences access news, this book is an essential resource for students as well as professionals looking to upskill.”
–Kelly Fincham, Director of Global Media program, National University of Ireland Galway
“Before Anthony Adornato wrote his fabulous book, building a proper foundation for students in my mobile/social media course was like driving around to six hardware stores. Buy some planks here, some bags of cement mix there, some rebar for the footers somewhere else. Anthony brought all the crucial and essential elements of mobile-first journalism into one place. It has become a must-have field manual for my course. In the second edition, he explores even more deeply topics students need to understand more than ever: the financial sides of the news business and its ethical imperatives.”
–Rick Brunson, Senior Instructor of Journalism, University of Central Florida
The following review of the first edition was published in Journalism & Mass Communication Educator. Scroll down the page for another review published in the Electronic News journal.
This review of the first edition was published in the Electronic News journal.